Broken Link Building Service

Our broken link building service is a highly effective, white-hat SEO strategy focused on enhancing your website's link profile. We find broken links and turn them into better rankings for your website! Our approach not only improves user experience, but it also leads to higher authority, traffic, and revenue.




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How Broken Link Building Works For SEO

A broken link is one that doesn't lead to its intended content. It can be due to a change in URL structure, the deletion of a website or the target content, or even a typo in the link itself. 

Broken link building replaces faulty hyperlinks with active links pointing to your website.

This strategy serves a dual purpose. It helps website owners improve their user experience by eliminating broken links and it also provides valuable backlinks that can boost the website's authority.

To build broken links, simply locate a dead link, then contact the website operator  to offer a replacement page or a working link.

How Our Broken Backlink Building Service Works

At Vazoola, our broken link building service is designed to seamlessly integrate into your overall SEO strategy. Our process enhances your site's visibility and authority. 

Here’s a step-by-step look at how we efficiently manage this process:

1. Find broken links 

We locate websites that are closely related to your field or industry. Our broken link toolkit includes the highest quality SEO tools like Ahrefs Broken Link Checker, SEM Rush, and Screaming Frog, which we configure to identify broken links.

2. High-quality replacements 

We identify a worthy replacement on your site. This could be a blog post, research paper, or other high-quality and relevant content. We even might suggest you create a new piece of content to offer as a target link to website owners. 

3. Contact the website owners

Our team crafts a polite, concise email to the website owner, pointing out the broken link and submitting your content as a replacement. Our personalized message shows we've done our homework and genuinely believe your content would be a valuable addition.

4. Monitor the replacement links

Website owners are busy people. A gentle follow-up email can serve as a helpful reminder and increase the likelihood of your link getting replaced. After the new link is live, we track its impact on your website's traffic and search rankings. 

We offer special agency rates!

Find out how much you're leaving on the table with you're current workflow.


Key Benefits of Broken Link Building 


Why buy backlinks using Vazoola?

Enhance Site Authority

Replacing broken links with your relevant content tells Google and other search engines that your site is a credible and authoritative source of information.

 Improve Organic Visibility

Quality backlinks from credible sources boost your site's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

Increase Referral Traffic

When broken links are replaced with new links to your site, it drives more visitors directly from other reputable websites.

 Build Relationships with Webmasters

Engaging with website owners to fix broken links fosters valuable relationships and leads to more linking opportunities.

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Pricing for Broken Link Building Services 

At Vazoola, we understand the unique challenges in managing SEO broken link building, so let us take that off your plate.
Contact us for our latest broken link building rates!

Partner with us for discounted rates, making it cost-effective to integrate our broken link-building services into your broader SEO strategies.





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Our clients are raving about us!

..but don't take our word for it. Check out the reviews

   Customer Reviews


“We partnered with Vazoola after several Link Building agencies failed to meet our quality standards. The team at Vazoola is top notch and best in class in the trade of guest posting and link building fulfillment for digital marketing agencies. Their links have been consistently high quality, relevant and delivered in a timely fashion. If you're frustrated with your Link Building partner, I highly recommend working with the Vazoola team and technology!”

“It has been great working with the Vazoola team. I’ve worked with many other link building companies in the past but none of them were able to deliver quality links at as low of a cost as Vazoola. We brought a small test budget to them and found we were able to increase margins on links by 40%! We’ve since grown our agency much faster than expected with Vazoola as our only partner for links. Their white label link building service has really changed the game for us.”

“I recently took over our company’s Vazoola account when a former team member left our company. I knew nothing about the system going in, and I have had to lean on the Vazoola team heavily to get things kicked off for our clients. Working with Chris and Matt has been such an easy process. Every question I’ve had, they’ve answered thoroughly and with patience. I have also been able to get numerous links for our clients in just a few short weeks!”

Guest Blogging

green check (1)  Understanding Our Broken Link Building Service: Answers to Your Questions 

Why should I care about broken links?

Broken link building is a white-hat technique. Faulty links are replaced with live links that point to your website. Our strategy improves user experience for website owners. It also provides valuable backlinks to boost your site's authority. 

If user experience and search engine optimization matter to you, try incorporating broken link link building into your digital marketing strategy. 

Learn more about what broken link building is in this guide to broken link building.

Why should I hire a broken link builder? Can I do it?

At Vazoola, we prioritize innovation in SEO. We firmly believe broken link building is a standout strategy. Our efforts take into account SEO principles of value provision, relationship building, and user experience enhancement. 

You can engage in broken link building yourself, or you can employ Vazoola’s experts to empower your SEO strategy.

What do you mean by link building is a white hat approach?

Broken link building requires more than a backlink request. You also must offer a solution to another website’s problem. By fixing a broken link on someone else's site, you're providing tangible value since broken links hinder their own SEO strategy. That value increases the likelihood that your link is accepted. 

Our strategy is a white-hat SEO method, which means it adheres to ethical standards. It has a higher success rate compared to other outreach methods. Plus, it also encourages the creation of high-quality content, and it fosters genuine relationships with other site owners.

What broken link builder tool resources do you use?

Identifying "dead content" is an important element of effective broken link building. Sure, it can be a meticulous task, but we use a variety of advanced tools to streamline the process. 

Ahrefs Top Pages plays an important role among these tools. The resource allows us to sift through competitive and popular sites and identify their 404 pages. We’re then provided with  insights into the number of inbound links each broken page has accrued. Comprehensive data helps us prioritize efforts on pages with the highest potential impact.

We likewise use Vazoola’s proprietary Free Backlink Checker to conduct regular audits of your backlink profile. By quickly identifying broken links within your existing backlinks, we can reclaim lost opportunities and secure them before they are targeted by competitors. 

What about broken links to my website?

When external websites link to pages on your site that no longer exist, the broken links can negatively affect your site’s credibility and SEO performance. It’s important you don’t leave these broken backlinks unattended. Otherwise, competitors might take advantage of the situation and offer their own URLs as replacements for the linking sites.

At Vazoola, we help you identify and address broken links pointing to your website. Repairing these links involves either restoring the dead page or redirecting the link to relevant, active content on your site. 

Our proactive approach prevents competitors from capitalizing on these opportunities. It also supports your site’s integrity and search engine standing, thus creating an effective link-building strategy.

Learn more about how to find and fix broken links on your website.

Can I buy broken links or broken link building services?

It’s important to understand the distinction between buying broken link building services and directly purchasing links. 

At Vazoola, we offer white hat broken link-building services. Through our process, we identify and replace broken links on other sites with links to your relevant content. Our ethical approach enhances your site’s SEO and complies with search engine guidelines.

On the other hand, directly paying for links to manipulate search rankings can be considered gray or black hat tactics. 

Our services focus on sustainable improvement of your site's performance and reputation, avoiding practices that could harm its credibility.

Let's Get Started!

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Our Link Building Services

We offer an array of flexible link building services. Don’t get boxed in by agencies that offer rigid link building. We match any scale, budget, and workflow. You choose how much or how little involvement in our link building process you wish to have.



Scale your link building, improve your margins, and grow your agency with Vazoola’s while label link building services. We specialize in high quality links, fast turnaround, and meeting dynamic needs. We’ll get you the best backlinks month in and month out so you can wow your clients.



Our most popular SEO backlink service, Bounty Express, offers dynamic pricing control. This software lets brands and agencies define the price, quality, and details of their link-building projects each month.



Leverage our network of high-quality blogs and publications with our guest posting service. We create compelling, original content that provides valuable information to audiences while earning you backlinks.

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Skip the tiring manual outreach with low ROI. We’re experts at finding and connecting you with the right blogs that will earn you high quality backlinks. We offer an easy 3 step process and the best rates in the industry.

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We understand the unique goals and challenges of link building for ecommerce. Our ecommerce link building services focus on your businesses product pages and conversion goals, seasonality and trends,

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Boost your rankings even faster! Our niche edits service finds link opportunities in aged content on indexed pages. Save money on content costs and get faster results by building high quality backlinks on authoritative websites through our niche edits service.



Show up for searches relevant to your location and get found by people searching in your direct area. We provide potent backlinks from sources in your backyard to help boost rankings for local searches that result in high quality leads and fast sales.



Stay on Google’s good side with our white hat link building services. We follow a quality first approach and have been successful over the years by safely building natural backlinks according to Google’s guidelines, that get our clients results.



With Vazoola’s broken link building services you’ll improve your backlink profile and your websites user experience in one fell swoop. Get awesome industry specific backlink opportunities on aged content that will send value to your site right away.

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(Help A Reporter Out)

Get your links into content written by some of the most notable journalists and bloggers. Vazoola's HARO backlink service will manage your HARO campaigns so you can establish authority and credibility while driving traffic and rankings.

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Engage audiences and earn backlinks with stunning, data-rich infographics that tell compelling stories. Our team designs and promotes infographics that capture your key messages and attract shares and links from reputable sites across the web.

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Recover lost link value effectively with our link reclamation services. We identify mentions of your brand that aren’t linked and reach out to convert these mentions into valuable SEO backlinks, reclaiming lost opportunities and enhancing your overall link profile.